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A framework for building Modern Web Apps in ClojureScript. It leverages React, via Reagent.

McCoy might report "It's MVC, Jim, but not as we know it". And you would respond "McCoy, you trouble maker, why even mention an OO pattern? re-frame is a functional framework."

So, it is about data, and the functions which transform that data. And, because it is a reactive framework, data coordinates functions, not the other way around.

It has a data-oriented design - perhaps an unfamiliar term for you. Read on! Indicatively, re-frame's tag line is: derived values, flowing.

Why Should You Care?


  1. You want to develop a modern web application using ClojureScript.
  2. You want to maximise developer productivity by writing fewer lines of code. You want a simple dynamic process that you can simulate in your head. And you want a clean approach to effects and state management.
  3. You are curious about the benifits of data-oriented design.
  4. You are a refugee from technical churn, seeking stability and productivity. For six years, ClojureScript, Reagent and re-frame have barely changed. No need. Still cutting edge.
  5. You want to see how reactive programming, functional programming and immutable data combine in a language that genuinely embraces those paradigms.
  6. You're taking a Functional Design and Programming course at San Diego State University and you have a re-frame assignment due. You've left the reading a bit late, right?
  7. You seek a better Redux, Elm, Cycle.js or Pux. In this space, re-frame is very old, hopefully in a Gandalf kind of way. Designed in late 2014, it slightly pre-dates the official Elm Architecture, although thankfully we picked up foldp ideas from early Elm games. Our main inspiration was the Clojure projects Pedestal App, Hoplon and Om. Since then, re-frame has pioneered ideas like event handler middleware, coeffect accretion, and de-duplicated signal graphs.
  8. Which brings us to the most important point: re-frame is impressively buzzword compliant. It has reactivity, unidirectional data flow, pristinely pure functions, interceptors, coeffects, conveyor belts, algebraic effects, statechart-friendliness and claims an immaculate hammock conception. All while being both simple and easy. There's also a charming xkcd reference (soon) and a hilarious, insiders-joke T-shirt, ideal for conferences (in design).

    What could possibly go wrong?

It Is Mature

re-frame was released in early 2015, and has since been successfully used by many a conpanies and individuals to build complex apps, many running beyond 40K lines of ClojureScript.

Scale changes everything. Frameworks are just pesky overhead at small scale - measure them instead by how they help you tame the complexity of bigger apps, and in this regard re-frame has worked out well. Some have been effusive in their praise.

And, yes, re-frame is fast, straight out of the box. And, yes, it has a good testing story (unit and behavioural). And, yes, it works with tools like figwheel or shadow-cljs to create a powerful hot-loading development story. And, yes, it has fun specialist tooling, and a community, and useful 3rd party libraries.