With reg-event-fx
, why can't my handler function just update the first argument (i.e. the cofx
map) and pass it on?
When I try, I get a warning, such as: no handler registered for effect: :event. Ignoring.
Effects simply aren't coeffects.
To fix this warning, just declare a new map of effects. For instance:
(reg-event-fx ::cow-clicked
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} _]
{:db (update db :clicks inc)}))
This seems like it would work, if you're used to using reg-event-db
this way.
Such a db
handler behaves like a reducing function:
(reg-event-db ::cow-clicked-db
(fn [db _] (update db :clicks inc)))
Doing a similar thing to a coeffect map causes the warning, however, not to mention possible unintended effects:
(reg-event-fx ::cow-clicked-bad
(fn [cofx _] (update-in cofx [:db :clicks] inc)))
With reg-event-fx
, you receive a map of coeffect values, and you're expected to return a map of effect values.
It's a coincidence that :db
identifies both an effect and a coeffect.
But re-frame adds other coeffects, such as :event
, which it does not consider effects.
So your handler ends up doing (update-in {:db {:clicks 0} :event [::cow-clicked-bad] :your-other-coeffect 25} ...)
There's probably no effect handler for :event
. Hence the warning.
Coeffects which you declare, such as your-other-coeffect
, may cause the same problem.
You might have a coeffect, similar to :db
, which shares its name with an effect. But that's a deliberate design decision, not a default.